17 Exciting Things to Do in Kenya Other Than A Safari

Title Tag: 17 Exciting Things to Do in Kenya Other Than A Safari

Meta description: Are you wondering if Kenya offers more tour experiences than a safari? This article covers 17 exciting things you can do in Kenya that don’t involve a safari.

17 Exciting Things to Do in Kenya Other Than A Safari

You are thinking of going to Kenya soon. But before you go, you’d like to know if there are other activities you can explore besides a safari.

If that sounds like you, this article is for you. In this post, we’ll share other exciting things you can try in Kenya. Although these activities are less popular than the Kenyan safaris, they are just as enjoyable.

Keep reading to discover these underrated experiences in Kenya.

1.      Climb Mount Kenya

If you’re thinking of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, but you’ve never hiked through a tall mountain before, you should start with Mount Kenya.

Mount Kenya is the second tallest mountain in Africa. Working hard to reach the summit of such a large mountain is a welcome change from the monotonous experience of watching animals move around all day.

Besides, Mount Kenya also boasts a scenic beauty bedecked by lakes, mineral springs, and 11 rare plant species. While climbing the mountain, you’ll encounter exotic animals like bushbucks, wild-tailed mongooses, buffaloes, and leopards.

It should take you about ten days to climb Mount Kenya if you are a beginner. When you take a break and set up your camping tents, you’ll be entertained by a gorgeous view of blooming flowers and a peaceful atmosphere.

2.     Cycle Through Hell’s Gate National Park

Hell’s Gate National Park is one of the most famous parks in Nairobi. The national park got its name from the series of volcanic eruptions that created its scenery. Thanks to its origins, this park is filled with dusty valleys, cliffs, rock towers, and caves.

The structure of Hell’s Gate National Park makes it a perfect destination for thrill seekers. Luckily, this park rarely contains wildlife. So, you can hike through it.

But where’s the fun in that? Instead of taking a boring walk, hop on a bike and feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins as you ride over the rocks and valleys.

3.     Watch Hippos Swim in Lake Naivasha

Lake Naivasha is a freshwater lake in Naivasha town, which is only 100 km away from Nairobi. The lake is also a short walk from Hell’s Gate National Park. So, you can visit both sites on the same day.

Lake Naivasha is known for its large population of hippos. The lake contains at least 1,500 hippos on a good day. This means you’ll be able to spot them, no matter what time you visit the lake.

Birds are another common animal type on Lake Naivasha. 400 bird species roam the lake every day.

Don’t forget to bring your camera, so you can take pictures of the rarest birds worldwide. Keep your camera handy even when you leave the lake. The islands surrounding Lake Naivasha are filled with giraffes, waterbucks, and impalas, which would make great mementos for your trip.

4.    Hike on Mount Elgon

Mount Elgon is a harmless volcano located on the border of Kenya and Uganda. This mountain is surrounded by ten hiking trails, which offer a view of the mountain’s terrain.

The shortest hiking trail on Mount Elgon is the Sipi Falls Trail. It only takes about 2-3 hours to complete this trail.

The Sipi Falls Trail is named after Sipi Falls, a group of three waterfalls that spill down the mountain’s slopes. While hiking on this trail, you may meet Ugandan farmers and villagers. You’ll also discover beautiful vegetation and steep cliffs.

In addition, the Sipi Falls Trail is lined with large coffee plantations. You can stop at any of these coffee farms to learn how to cultivate and process coffee.

Please note that this trail contains a lot of rocky sections. So, always ensure to maintain your balance while hiking through the trail.


5.     Scuba Dive at Diani Beach

Named Africa’s top beach five times, Diani Beach is one of the most remarkable sites in Kenya. The beach is situated about 30 meters away from Mombasa, Kwale County.

Diani Beach is most famous for its appeal to water sportsmen. It offers facilities for kayaking, swimming, surfing, and scuba diving.

Scuba diving is the most exciting activity on Diani Beach because it lets you dive into the deep waters to see the huge dolphin colony under the beach. Once you’re done diving, you can relax on the shoreline and observe the beautiful coral reefs and the colobus monkeys roaming around.

6.    Dine at Ali Barbour’s Cave Restaurant

All that scuba diving will make you hungry. You can kill that hunger at the Ali Barbour’s Cave Restaurant, situated on the grounds of Diani Beach.

True to its name, Ali Barbour’s Cave Restaurant is shaped like a cave. The entire building is roofless, letting you gaze at the sky while you enjoy your fresh seafood dish. If you don’t like fish, you can also order meat-based, chicken-based, or even vegetarian meals.

If your hotel is around Diani Beach, the restaurant will provide a cab to drop you off after you’ve finished eating.

7.     Bungee Jump in Sagana

You thought bungee jumping was exclusive to the West? Well, here’s a shocker. The Sagana town in Kenya provides bungee jumping experiences, just like other tourist centers around the world.

A tall bungee tower stands about 200 feet tall, overlooking the Sagana River (also known as the Tana River). You’ll climb 220 steps on a narrow ladder to get to the top of the tower, after which you’ll have to attach a harness to your body. 

Then, a knowledgeable jump team will provide tips on how to jump safely.

After the pep talk, it’s time to gather some courage and make the jump down all 200 meters. The jump gives you an illusion of flying, helping you feel a calming rush through your body.

Make sure to take the jump at your own pace. Also, wear comfortable clothes before jumping.

8.    Raft Through Tana River Rapids

Are you scared of heights? Then, you should skip bungee jumping and try white water rafting through the Tana River Rapids.

The Tana River is so-called because of the fast surges on the river. These surges move so quickly that they can easily flip a moving boat. That’s why you need excellent paddling skills to scale through the waves.

Before you jump into the river, you need an experienced kayak guide to teach you how to paddle fast. After the lesson, the guide will take you upstream for your first rafting experience. 

The slowest surges in the Tana River are located in the upper part of the river. You should be able to paddle through this part easily.

The real test is at the lower part of the river. The rapids in this area are so deadly that they’ve been nicknamed Captain Folly, Can of Worms, and Sphincter Flexor. At this stage, you must paddle as fast as possible to keep your raft afloat.

Keep in mind that most people end up falling into the river while rafting through the last surge. So, make sure you know how to swim before trying this activity. It’s also important to wear clothes you don’t mind getting wet.

9.    Snorkel at Watamu Marine National Park

The Watamu Marine National Park is a combination of several marine habitats located near Mombasa. The park boasts beautiful coral gardens, green turtles, and exotic fish like trevally, moray eel, and unicorn fish.

The best time to visit the Watamu Marine National Park is in sunny weather. During this time, the sea tide is low enough for you to see underwater without diving too deep.

To attempt snorkeling in the park, you will need some fins and good swimming skills. A short swim through Watamu Marines will lead you to Hemingway’s Hotel, where you can see unique fish species and coral bommis.

But if you are an experienced swimmer, you can swim even further to the Coral Gardens. At the Coral Gardens, you will find rare marine fauna, such as the butterfly fish, lionfish, and scorpionfish.

10.   Camel Ride Through Samburu National Reserve

Samburu National Reserve is an area in the northern part of Kenya inhabited by nomadic people. Thousands of years ago, these tribesmen used camels to travel and transport packages across distant counties.

Today, the residents of Samburu National Reserve retain that culture by making tourists view the vast landscapes in the area from a camel’s back.

 They also have a training ground where young locals learn how to ride camels. At the end of the year, these youngsters compete in the Maralal Camel Derby.

While riding on the camel, you may spot rare wildlife species like African wild dogs and zebras. Lean back and enjoy the ride as the gentle tinkling of the camel’s bells helps you swing into the rhythm of the atmosphere.

11.  Fish at Lake Victoria

Imagine catching a rare fish species on your first fishing experience. If the thought excites you, you should visit Lake Victoria.

Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa. It is surrounded by beautiful islands and stunning resorts, making it an ideal tourist attraction.

Although this lake isn’t suitable for swimming, it is a great spot for fishing. There are over 200 fish species in the lake. So, it is fairly easy to catch fish there, even for beginners.

Some of the notable fishes in the lake are tilapia, Nile perch, haplochromis, and Ningu.

All the necessary fishing equipment is readily available at the lake. However, you can also bring your tools if you like.

12. Visit Nairobi National Museum

Like most popular travel destinations, Kenya has a rich heritage, and the Nairobi National Museum contains artifacts that showcase that heritage. The relics in the museum encompass four areas:

·         Contemporary Art

·          Culture

·         History

·         Nature

A notable exhibit in the museum is a group of statues depicting hominids (the human species before the modern man). There are also several statues that reminisce about the colonial period in Kenya.

If you are an animal lover, you should check out the enormous collection of native African animals and stuffed birds in the museum. 

The museum will provide a knowledgeable guide, who will explain the origin of each animal. Learning this information will enhance your future safari experiences.

Art enthusiasts will enjoy studying the museum’s display of paintings by famous artists like Joy Adamson.

When you’ve had your fill of the sights at the Nairobi National Museum, explore the museum grounds to find local food shacks.

13. See the Gede Ruins

The Gede town used to be a trading hub for East Africans in the 12th century. Today, the town has become a historical site that provides an insight into how earlier East Africans used to live.

 Tour guides will walk you round the city and explain what each building was used for. Make sure to bring some drinking water to avoid getting exhausted.

The top attractions among the Gede ruins are the museum and the snake farm. The museum contains all the historical artifacts that have been retrieved from the ruins. 

On the other hand, the snake farm is filled with live snakes that were rescued from illegal smugglers or caught in the homes of locals.

While walking around the ruins, you may encounter Skye monkeys. These monkeys are from the neighboring Arabuko Sokoke Forest, and they are very friendly. They might even follow you around as you tour the town.

14.Explore Historic Sites in the Lamu Archipelago

Lamu Archipelago is a cluster of three islands, namely Lamu, Manda, and Pate, located about 150 miles from Mombasa. These islands are only accessible by foot or on donkey rides.

Manda and Pate islands have retained the status of traditional historical sites. Their entire regions bear old buildings made up of coral ragstone. They are also lined with ancient footpaths that connect different parts of the town.

In contrast, Lamu Island has witnessed significant development. The island’s prestige as a center of Islamic teaching attracted funding from Arabian scholars, which was used to renovate historical buildings.

 For this reason, most tourists who visit the archipelago spend the majority of their time in Lamu Island.

The most popular building in Lamu island is the Lamu Museum. The exhibitions in this museum focus on the weddings, domestic life, and boat-building culture of the early Lamu people. Nevertheless, you may find a few intricate door carvings and local jewelry in the building.

The museum walls bear pictures of women in a traditional garment called Shiraa. The Shiraa was a tent-like garment worn among respectable ladies of the time.

15. Visit the Fort Jesus Museum

The Fort Jesus Museum is a monument built by the Portuguese in the 16th century. This museum displays exhibitions that reminisce about the slave trade between the Portuguese and the Kenyans during that period.

Unfortunately, the Fort Jesus Museum doesn’t provide tour guides. So, make sure you come with a local guide that understands the museum’s history.

16.Experience the Maasai Culture

The Maasai people have one of the most unique cultures in Africa. They can be easily identified by their bright red blankets and beautiful bead jewels.

In the past, Maasai tribesmen used to be warriors and cattle herders. Men began warriorship training from the age of 14 till they attained adulthood. This training helped them develop survival skills and a special closeness with nature.

Today, the Maasai people still practice their fighting skills and maintain a semi-nomadic lifestyle. But they now have modern buildings, like the Maasai Craft Center, which contains local Maasai artifacts.

You can visit a traditional Maasai village with an English interpreter to gain more insight into their culture.

17. Tour the Bomas of Kenya

Bomas is a local homestead built to the specifications of the various tribes in Kenya. They aim to preserve Kenyan culture by promoting traditional music, dance, crafts, and architecture.

This village organizes cultural shows every day. If you visit the place at noon, you may experience a tribal talent show that features local dresses, sports, jokes, music, and dance.

You should check out this village if you want to get an overview of Kenyan culture.

Organize an Unforgettable Kenyan Tour With SharifsTours

All the attraction sites we’ve mentioned here have optimal visiting times. If you visit them during their off-seasons, your tour experience might be underwhelming.

Sharifstours can help you avoid this problem by setting your tours to the best visiting time. Thanks to our 5-year experience in booking Kenyan tours, we are well-informed on the most suitable periods for seeing the top tourist sites. So, we know the most suitable periods to visit each tourist attraction in the country.

Contact Us today to help you plan a Kenyan tour you’ll never forget.

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